About Me 


My name is Calista Toner. I recently graduated from the University of Glasgow, where I studied Archaeology and Ancient History. I now live in London with my partner, where I am about to undertake an MA in Law. 

I spent my time at University working with various Conservative groups: I served two terms as President for the Glasgow University Conservatives, sat on the Executive of the Scottish Young Conservatives, served as Regional Chair for Scotland with Conservative Young Women , and worked as a Regional Ambassador for Scotland with the Conservative Policy Forum. I was also a 2023/2024 Policy Fellow with the Pinsker Centre, a think tank with no political affiliation. 

In my personal life, I am a devoted daughter and big sister.  I am also the proud owner of a small candle manufacturing business

My participation in YC life comes down to my upbringing in a left wing area. It was an isolating experience and contributed towards my dedication to providing a voice for Young Conservatives. I am a firm believer in the ideals of freedom, democracy, fairness and opportunity that Conservatism represents. 

-Calista Toner